Tafnit specializes in the various high-tech fields, healthcare arena and general industrial branches. We represent in China major Israeli & International companies, entrepreneurs, developers and manufacturers.

Main Sectors of Operations:
Communications (Mobile, Internet, Satellite) IT; Communication Networks, Software, VAS
Automotive Industry; EV Cars; Autonomous Cars
Cyber Security
Industrial Projects
FOG (Fiber Optic Gyro)
IoT; Intelligent Cities
Life Sciences, Medical Devices & Biotech
New Energy
Water & Wastewater Tech
Investments, M&A, IPO and Financing
Establishing Optimal Chinese Entity & Protect IP
WFOE (Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise)
JV (Joint Venture)
Front office
Market Research & Market Evaluation
Investments, M&A, Buy-outs
Manufacturing, Material & Products for Purchasing
Locating Strategic Partners & Distributors (Joint Ventures, System Integration, OEM);
Localization (software, technologies & products)
Sales & Marketing, P.R (exhibitions, seminars, road shows, media)
R&D in Israel & China (China & Israel Gov. Funds)
BDT (Business Development Team)
Follow Up & Management of the Channels
We Do Not Provide Consultations – Tafnit is Partnering with You to Lead Your Way to Success in China